Renault Billancourt
Mass strike at the Renault plant in Boulogne Billancourt.
Funeral of victims of Charonne
Funeral of nine militants for peace in Algeria, who were killed February 8 in metro-station Charonne.
Office of the Central Board of Charities
The 'Office central des oeuvres de bienfaisance' (Central Board of Charities) was founded in 1891 to coordinate the work of assistance and private charity. This foundation has merged with the Musée social in 1963 to form the CEDIAS-Musée Social.
Social housing
Building Rue de l'Amiral-Roussin, Paris, established by the 'Groupe des Maisons ouvrières' (Group for Workers' Homes).
Second Congress of the International Cooperative Alliance, held at the Musée Social, 28-31 October 1896
The Musée social has invested since its inception in supporting the cooperative movement. It financed and hosted the Second Congress of the International Cooperative Alliance in 1896.