The Costume Society of America, Region I (New England and Canadian Maritime Provinces) announces a call for papers for the symposium "At Work: An Exploration of Occupational Clothing", to be held on Saturday,October 16, 2004 at Heritage Museums and Gardens, Sandwich, Massachusetts.
This symposium seeks to explore how people dress for work, as well as the social, cultural, political, economic, and aesthetic significance of workplace attire and appearance. Proposals are invited from a broad range of research areas, including the disciplines of history, material culture,fashion studies, psychology, anthropology, sociology, literary studies, textile sciences or any combination of disciplines. Perspectives on and interpretations of all countries and time periods are welcome.
Proposals may be submitted for 20 minute paper presentations and 10/10 ongoing research presentations (10 minutes presentation, 10 minutes group discussion).
Proposal Format: Separate title page, as you want it to appear in the program, including the title of your paper, your name, complete address, telephone number, email address, position and institution or other professional affiliation. Abstracts should be no longer than two pages. Do NOT include your name on the abstract. Include a resume or c.v. - no more than two pages, please. Do NOT include your name.
Send proposals to Aimee E. Newell, Old Sturbridge Village, One OSV Road, Sturbridge, MA 01566, .
Proposals must be postmarked no later than July 1, 2004. See the Costume Society of America Region I website for more information: