Social and Labour History News

CFP: Radical History Review nr 108
Two book reviews
Review article by W. Sperling (in German)
Review article by C. Goschler (in German)
Ann: online reviews, Aug/Sep 2008 (in German)
Ann: Newsletter: Autumn 2008 issue
Ann: issue 31 (in Italian)
Ann: an exhibition in Manchester, to Sep 2009
CFP: The 'Changing Europe' Summer School, July 2009
Ann: a conference in Groningen, 6-7 November
TOC: Vol.4 no.5 (October 2008)
Ann: a colloquium in Brussels, 16 December
Ann: a symposium in London, 15 November
Ann: a symposium in Sydney, 10 November
Ann: le numéro 64
CFP: a conference in London, 7 Feb 2009
Ann: a conference in Berlin, 26-27 November
New publications: the Kate Sharpley Library