YMHC #13 : Things that Grow in the Earth: Recovering Resources in the Early Modern World - by Sebastian Felten (University of Vienna)

The Young Mining Historians Corner is a blog post series edited by the Labour In Mining WG dedicated
to early career researchers in mining history broadly constructed.

The Issue 13 has been just published:  

Things that Grow in the Earth: Recovering Resources in the Early Modern World - by Sebastian Felten (University of Vienna)



5th European Labour History Network Conference - Labour in Mining Working Group

Labour in Mining Working Group
Sessions and Panels Proposal

Coordinators: Dr Francesca Sanna (University of Toulouse 2 Jean Jaurès, FRAMESPA,
francesca.sanna@univ-tlse2.fr); Dr José Joaquín García Gómez (University of Almeria,
josejgg@ual.es); Dr Gabriele Marcon (Durham University, Gabriele.marcon@alumni.eui.eu)



Chiffrer et classer en situation coloniale et post-coloniale: Afrique francophone, XIX-XXIe siècles

International Research Network (IRN) COUNT

« Chiffrer et classer en situa1on coloniale et post coloniale.
Afrique francophone XIX-XXIe siècles »

Deuxièmes journées académiques sur le thème :
Les chiffres et les recherches en Afrique francophone : Progrès et Défis

Institutions hôtes : Institut d’études avancées de Saint-Louis du Sénégal & Université Gaston Berger,
Saint-Louis, Sénégal

Dates : 1 et 2 décembre 2023


CfP: Elsewhere. The Migration of Families in the Past from a Labour History and Family Economy Perspective (18th-19th Century)

The ELHN Labour and Family Economy Working Group invites papers for the session:
Elsewhere. The Migration of Families in the Past from a Labour History and Family Economy Perspective (18th-19th Century)


