Methods for Global Labour Histories
GLHN Workshop
22–24 January 2020, Stockholm
Intense days at GLHN conference on global labour history
About sixty researchers from more than 25 countries participated at Global Labour History Network’s second conference which took place in Stockholm 22-24 January 2020.
The conference Methods for Global Labour Histories consisted of three intensive days with discussions, lectures and public events. Totally ten presentations were held including Christian de Vito’s public keynote lecture on micro- and microanalytical approaches in global labour history and a public panel debate about the role of archives in global labour history.
The conference was organized by the Swedish Labour Movement Archives and Library in Huddinge, south of Stockholm.
At the beginning of the conference GLHN held a meeting deciding that the next conference will be held in Senegal in 2022 and will be organized by Babacar Fall, Cheik Anta Diop University. The meeting decided also on a new structure of five working groups which each have one representative in the steering committee. Babacar Fall will chair the steering committee until the next conference.
You can download the conference program at the link below.