Improved access to 1º de Mayo collection
Having finished cataloguing of its video cassettes and the photographs of Unidad Obrera the Archivo Histórico del Trabajo of the Fundación 1º de Mayo has now improved access to its collection of about 1,750 posters. The majority was published by Comisiones Obreras, though other trade unions, political parties and labour organizations from Spain and abroad are also represented. The bulk of the collection is post-1973, but 15 posters date back to the Civil War period.
For more information:
Fundación 1º de Mayo
c/Arenal 11, 1ª planta
E-28013 Madrid
Tel +34-1-3640601/0897
Fax +34-1-3641350
Email José Babiano Mora
Posted: 15 March 2000