Friendship beyond the Atlantic - Labor feminist international contacts after the second world war

Web publication, ARAB Stockholm

Friendship beyond the Atlantic - Labor feminist international contacts after the second world war
by Dorothy Sue Cobble

Building on earlier research, I am now exploring the international dimensions of the story of U.S. labor feminism, recreating the transnational networks and international organizations in which labor feminists participated. Part of this project involves delineating the transatlantic connections between U.S. labor feminists and their counterparts abroad and the intellectual influence European and Nordic social justice feminism had on U.S. social policy in the post-World War II era.


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Även i fulltext på svenska / Also full text in Swedish via Arbetarhistoria:
“Vänskap bortom Atlanten. Arbetarfeministernas internationella nätverk efter andra världskriget”, Arbetarhistoria no 129-130