Social Inequality Sessions at ESSHC, 23-26 April 2014

Call for Papers, deadline 15 May

Deadline for pre-registration: 15 May 2013.

The next European Social Science History Conference (ESSHC) will meet in Vienna, 23-26 April 2014. You are invited to present a paper or to organize a session of four papers on the theme of social inequality in a broad sense.

Sessions that have been suggested (you may well propose something different):

Philanthropy and Civil Society
National campaigns for Good Causes
European welfare traditions
Social inequality by design: taxation regimes and welfare states
Welfare in multi-ethnic societies
Inequality in failed states
Disparities in the former Austria-Hungarian Empire
100 years after 1914: Inequalities in World War 1
Comparative social welfare
Globalization and inequality
Social Segregation in cities
Hospitals and public health
Social dimensions of medicine
Inequality in settler societies
A history of manmade risks: occurrence, prevention, resilience
A history of natural risks: occurrence, prevention, resilience

Inequalities in colonial empires
Vital registers and their use in Africa
Social inequalities in Latin America
Gender segregation on the labour market
Work Experiences over the Life Course
Social homogamy
Finding a spouse via a newspaper
Finding a job via a newspaper
Census categories of difference (race, ethnicity)
Social Mobility between the generations
Kin and social mobility
Women's work

To propose a paper, please use the ESSHC-website: while ticking the Social Inequality Network, and send an abstract of ½ page to: lhlees[at] and m.h.d.vanleeuwen [at] We encourage sessions that are comparative in nature, with papers from more than one country.

Marco H.D. van Leeuwen and Lynn Lees
FSW Sociology
Utrecht University; Padualaan 14
Postbus 80140, 3508 TC Utrecht
The Netherlands