The recent revival of Marx scholarship has shown his relevance to urgent present-day issues. It has sometimes been forgotten that in order to fully appreciate his work, we need to know how it related to issues and movements in his own time. Therefore, Nineteenth Century Prose invites papers for a special issue on Karl Marx in his own times. Contributions can attend to social conditions, movements, persons, texts, cultural and political events that made an impression upon him, as well as his impact on others. The deadline is 31 October 2021. Please send inquiries and contributions to the guest editor, Sven Ove Hansson, at
Format and style instructions: articles should typically be around 25-30 pages (11 point Times New Roman, double-spaced), but both shorter and longer texts will be considered. Include an abstract (100-250 words) and append a brief bio (two or three sentences) written in third person. Endnotes should be manually generated. Paragraph indents should be .3 inches using tabs (not automatic ‘first line’), and indented quotes should be .5 inches left and right. References to Marx’s work should refer to at least one of the standard editions, the first and second Marx-Engels Gesamtausgabe (MEGA1 and MEGA2), Marx-Engels Werke (MEW), and the translated Marx-Engels Collected Works (MECW).