Working papers by Mark Harrison
Please may I draw to your attention two working papers available on the web; comments are welcome. The core of the two papers is the same; differences are noted as follows.
- "Coercion, compliance, and the collapse of the Soviet command economy", available (7,500 words, some maths)
- "Are command economies unstable? Why did the Soviet economy collapse?", available (4,500 words, non-technical treatment using diagrams, omits discussion of time-consistency and credible-commitment issues found in the longer paper)
- "Stabil'nye li komandnye sistemy? Pochemu poterpela krakh sovetskaia ekonomika?", available from (same as the previous paper, slightly revised and translated into Russian)
Professor Mark Harrison
Department of Economics
University of Warwick
Coventry, England CV4 7AL
+44-24-7652.3030 (office)
+44-24-7652.3032 (fax)
Posted: 21 March 2000