Middlemen in the work relationship in slave and post-slave societies from the 15th century to the present day (Quadrilingual)

Slaveries and Post-Slaveries » Journal

This issue examines the long-term situation of Middlemen, both under slavery and in the post-slavery era. Enslaved themselves, overseers, and occasionally even recruiters of workers after the abolition of slavery, these intermediaries in the chain of command of coerced labor were essential to the smooth functioning of the slave and post-slave system. What role did they play? Were they agents of coercion or of worker protection?

Materiality of Migration in the Indian Ocean & Global Asia: Artifacts, Self-Fashioning, Belonging

Doha/Qatar, 18 to 19 September 2024 or Davis/California, 16 December 2024

This conference aims to uncover the unwritten histories of migration through the material culture that people most valued and brought with them as they traversed the space of the Indian Ocean world and beyond. We invite papers about the flow of peoples in relation to their belongings across the Indian Ocean and Asiatic geographies.

L’industrie textile en France : une affaire d’État ? (milieu XVIIe -XXIe siècle) (French)

Pierrefitte-sur-Seine/France, 23-24 January 2025

Dans le cadre de l’exposition Made in France, une histoire du textile qui se déroulera du 16 octobre 2024 au 25 janvier 2025, les Archives nationales organisent un colloque de clôture centré sur le rôle joué par l’État dans l’encadrement et le soutien de l’industrie textile, de Colbert à nos jours.

75 Years of the Federal Republic - 75 Years of Immigration: Contemporary History as Migration History

Berlin, 31 October - 1 November 2024

It is time to bring nation-building and migration into deeper conversation through historical, historiographical and political vantage points and to discuss perspectives for the future. At the end of this anniversary year, we invite you to reflect on these issues in an international and interdisciplinary context.