Special Issue 'Technological Change, Mechanisation, and the Reactions of Craftsmen and Workers in Mediterranean Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries'

Moving the Social. Journal of Social History and the History of Social Movements 71 (2024)
Special Issue
Technological Change, Mechanisation, and the Reactions of Craftsmen and Workers in Mediterranean Europe, 19th–20th Centuries
edited by Leda Papastefanaki.

YMHC #13 : Things that Grow in the Earth: Recovering Resources in the Early Modern World - by Sebastian Felten (University of Vienna)

The Young Mining Historians Corner is a blog post series edited by the Labour In Mining WG dedicated
to early career researchers in mining history broadly constructed.

The Issue 13 has been just published:  

Things that Grow in the Earth: Recovering Resources in the Early Modern World - by Sebastian Felten (University of Vienna)



5th European Labour History Network Conference - Labour in Mining Working Group

Labour in Mining Working Group
Sessions and Panels Proposal

Coordinators: Dr Francesca Sanna (University of Toulouse 2 Jean Jaurès, FRAMESPA,
francesca.sanna@univ-tlse2.fr); Dr José Joaquín García Gómez (University of Almeria,
josejgg@ual.es); Dr Gabriele Marcon (Durham University, Gabriele.marcon@alumni.eui.eu)



Chiffrer et classer en situation coloniale et post-coloniale: Afrique francophone, XIX-XXIe siècles

International Research Network (IRN) COUNT

« Chiffrer et classer en situa1on coloniale et post coloniale.
Afrique francophone XIX-XXIe siècles »

Deuxièmes journées académiques sur le thème :
Les chiffres et les recherches en Afrique francophone : Progrès et Défis

Institutions hôtes : Institut d’études avancées de Saint-Louis du Sénégal & Université Gaston Berger,
Saint-Louis, Sénégal

Dates : 1 et 2 décembre 2023
