New Open Educational Resource "Who Built America?"

Just in time for a new academic year, the American Social History Project at the CUNY Graduate Center is releasing a new, expanded, and updated edition of the popular
textbook Who Built America? Working People and the Nation’s History. A beta version is now available as a free, open-access digital resource featuring a comprehensive
social history textbook supplemented by thousands of primary sources drawn from our History Matters website and new teaching resources.

Othering, Occupation, Violence, and Denial: Connecting Past and Present: Historical Analogies and Presentism in Studying the Holocaust

Webinar series

The Johannesburg Holocaust and Genocide Centre, the Eastern European Holocaust Studies, the Ukraina Moderna website, and the Austrian Service Abroad are cooperating and partnering in launching a webinar series on the theme of “Othering, Occupation, Violence, and Denial”.