Aspects of China

CFP: Chinese Historical Review

Call for Papers

The Chinese Historical Review (ISSN 10043-643X) invites manuscripts of original research, reviews, and research notes concerning all aspects and time periods of Chinese history, China-foreign relations, and the Chinese diaspora. Manuscripts with comparative perspectives on history are also welcome.

Manuscripts should not exceed 8,000 words in length, excluding notes, tables, and other forms of data. All texts, including footnotes and quotations, should be double-spaced with at least 1.5-inch margin on both sides of the page. Footnotes should be consecutively numbered and should be placed as a separate section at the end of the text. The style of text, footnotes, punctuations, and capitalization must conform to the Chicago Manual of Style (14th ed., 1993).

Manuscripts shall be submitted in both text and electronic format. Send three copies of the manuscript to: The Editors, Chinese Historical Review, 205 Keith Hall, Department of History, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, PA 15705, U.S.A. The electronic version of the manuscript, saved in Microsoft Word format, should be sent as an attachment to:, and All relevant correspondence should be sent to the same addresses. No manuscript will be considered for publication if it is concurrently under consideration elsewhere.

Originally created by the Chinese Historians in the United States, Inc. in 1988, The Chinese Historical Review (formerly Chinese Historians) has been a vigorously referred and edited journal, featured with articles on the history of China, China-foreign relations, the Chinese diaspora, and comparative studies of history, as well as extensive book reviews covering contemporary historical scholarship published in Chinese language. It has served as a vital academic bridge between the United States and China.