2000 - 162 (June)
Articles in this issue
Introduction: Elections and Democracy in Greater China
How Elections Promoted Democracy in Taiwan under Martial Law
Elections, Political Change and Basic Law Government: The Hong Kong System in Search of a Political Form
Democracy Deformed: Hong Kong's Legislative Elections - and Beyond
Accommodating 'Democracy' in a One-Party State: Introducting Village Elections in China
The Meaning of China's Village Elections
Elections and Power: The Locus of Decision-Making in Chinese Villages
Cultural Values and Democracy in the People's Republic of China
Book review, by John W. Garver
Red Dragon Rising: Communist China's Military Threat to America
Book review, by John W. Garver
The United States and a Rising China: Strategic and Military Implications
Book review, by John W. Garver
China's Strategic Modernization: Implications for the United States
Book review, by Bates Gill
Chinese Perspectives on International Relations: A Framework for Analysis
China in International Society Since 11949: Alienation and Beyond
Book review, by Ming K. Chan
East and West: China, Power and the Future of Asia
Book review, by Ryosei Kokubun
Interpreting History in Sino-Japanese Relations: A Case Study in Political Decision-making
Book review, by Christopher Howe
Japan's Economic Diplomacy with China, 1945-1978
Book review, by Anne-Marie Brady
Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and the Evolution of the Chinese Communist Leadership
Book review, by Thomas Kampen
Book review, by Lev Deliusin
Maliye partii Kitaya v borbe za demokratiyu (1928-1949) 'Minor Chinese Political Parties in Struggle for Democracy' (1928-1949)
Book review, by Ramon H. Myers
Chinese Modernity and the Peasant Path: Semicolonialism in the Northern Yangzi Delta
Book review, by Michael Schoenhals
Streetlife China: Transforming Culture, Rights and Markets
Book review, by Michael Dutton
Strike Hard! Anti-Crime Campaigns and Chinese Criminal Justice, 1979-1985
Book review, by Gail Hershatter
Women of China: Economic and Social Transformation
Book review, by R.J.R. Kirkby
Urban Land Reform in China
Book review, by Yulia Egorova
The Jews of China, VOlume One: Historical and Comparative Perspectives
Book review, by Alex McKay
Buddhism in Contemporary Tibet: Religious Revival and Cultural Identity
Book review, by Michael Sullivan
Inside Out: New Chinese Art
Book review, by Tuen-yu Lau
The Other Hong Kong Report, 1998