2001 - supplement 9

Articles in this issue

Petitions in Social History


Pages: 1 - 10

Voices From Among the "Silent Masses": Humble Petitions and Social Conflicts in Early Modern Central Europe

Pages: 11 - 34

Supplications between Politics and Justice: The Northern and Central Italian States in the Early Modern Age

Pages: 35 - 56

The Power of Petitions: Women and the New Hampshire Provincial Government, 1700-1770

Pages: 57 - 77

The Cahiers de Doléances of 1789 and Petitions

Pages: 79 - 106

Revolt, Testimony, Petition: Artisanal Protests in Colonial Andhra

Pages: 107 - 129

Deference and Defiance: The Changing Nature of Petitioning in British Naval Dockyards

Pages: 131 - 150

Petitions and the Social Context of Political Mobilization in the Revolution of 1848/49: A Microhistorical Actor Centered Network Analysis

Pages: 151 - 169

The Image of Jews in Byelorussia. Petitions As a Source for Popular Consciousness in the Early Twentieth Century

Pages: 171 - 184

"Begging the Sages of the Party-State": Citizenship and Governement in Transition in Nationalist China, 1927-1937

Pages: 185 - 207

Private Matters: Family and Race and the Post World War II Translation of "American"

Pages: 209 - 234