1998 - 3 (December)

Articles in this issue

Trade Union Regime Formation Under the Conditions of Globalization in the Transport Sector: Attempts at Transnational Trade Union Regulation of Flag-of-Convenience Shipping

Pages: 369 - 402

Special Theme; Conscription as Military Labour: The Middle East Experience

Conscription as Military Labour: The Historical Context

Pages: 403 - 419

Special Theme; Conscription as Military Labour: The Middle East Experience

The Nation and Its Deserters: Conscription in Mehmed Ali's Egypt

Pages: 421 - 436

Special Theme; Conscription as Military Labour: The Middle East Experience

The Ottoman Consription System, 1844-1914

Pages: 437 - 449

Special Theme; Conscription as Military Labour: The Middle East Experience

Concription and Popular Resistance in Iran, 1925-1941

Pages: 451 - 471

Book review, by Stanley L. Engerman

The Making of New World Slavery. From the Baroque to the Modern 1492-1800

Pages: 473 - 475

Book review, by Michael Hanagan

Social Security Mutualism. The Comparative History of Mutual Benefit Societies

Pages: 475 - 478

Book review, by Arnold Heertje

Riches and Poverty. An intellectual history of political economy in Britain, 1750-1834

Pages: 478 - 480

Book review, by Lout Bots

Classe. Histoire du mot et genèse du concept des Physiocrates aux Historiens de la Restauration

Pages: 480 - 482

Book review, by Bryan S. Turner

The Death of Class

Pages: 482 - 484

Book review, by Louise Tilly

The Politics of Women's Work. The Paris Garment Trades 1750-1915

Pages: 484 - 487

Book review, by John Belchem

The Polish Coal Miners' Trade Union and the German Labor Movement in the Ruhr, 1902-1934. National and Social Solidarity

Pages: 487 - 488

Book review, by Angel Smith

From mobilization to civil war. The politics of polarization in the Spanish city of Gij&#243:n, 1900-1937

Pages: 488 - 491

Book review, by Tatyana Moisseenko

Sotsial'nye konflikty i krest'ianskaia mental'nost' v rossiiskoi imperii nachala XX veka. Novye materialy, metody, resul'taty

Pages: 491 - 493

Book review, by Peter C.W. Gutkind

The Seed is Mine: The Life of Kas Maine, a South African Sharecropper, 1894-1985

Pages: 494 - 498


Pages: 499 - 534