1999 - 3 (December)

Articles in this issue

Marcel van der Linden

Leo van Rossum (1938-1999)

Pages: 365 - 366

Tides of Migration, Currents of History: The State, Economy and the Transatlantic Movement of Labor in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

Pages: 367 - 394

Unions and Information, Britain 1900-1960: An Essay in the History and Information

Pages: 395 - 417

Social Mobility and Class Formation: The Worklife Social Mobility of Men in a New Zealand Suburb, 1902-1928

Pages: 419 - 449


Industrial Labour in Post-Colonial India II: Employment in the Informal-Sector Economy

Pages: 451 - 483

Book review, by Bob Reinalda

Worlds of Women: The Making of an International Women's Movement

Pages: 485 - 487

Book review, by Sheila Lewenhak

Feminism and the politics of working women. The Women's Co-operative Guild, 1880s to the Second World War

Pages: 487 - 490

Book review, by Gijs Kessler

Peasant Dreams & Market Politics. Labor Migration and the Russian Village, 1861-1905

Pages: 490 - 493

Book review, by Bert Altena

All-American Anarchist. Joseph Labadie and the Labor Movement

Pages: 493 - 495

Book review, by Malcolm Chase

Building Jerusalem. Nonconformity, Labour and the Social Question in Wales, 1906-1939

Pages: 495 - 498

Book review, by Gita Deneckere

Les manifestations de rue en France 1918-1968

Pages: 498 - 501

Book review, by Marc Jansen

From the Other Shore. Russian Social Democracy after 1921

Pages: 501 - 503

Book review, by Michael Hall

Father of the Poor? Vargas and his era (Michael Hall)

Pages: 503 - 505

Book review, by Lucien van der Walt

Race, Class and the Changing Division of Labour under Apartheid

Pages: 505 - 508


Pages: 509 - 539