CfP: 18th annual HEIRS conference. A means to what end: the interrelation between visions of Europe and economic policies

The aim of the 18th annual conference of the History of European Integration Research Society (HEIRS) is to analyse the interrelation between different motivations and visions of Europe and the European Community /European Union’s economic policies during the second half of the 20th century.


Anti-communist Solidarity: US-Brazilian Labor Relations During the Dictatorship in Cold War Brazil


New book Anti-communist Solidarity: US-Brazilian Labor Relations During the Dictatorship in Cold War Brazil (1964-1985). Foreword by Alex Lichtenstein, Indiana University and Fernando Teixeira da Silva, Unicamp/ Brazil, this book is an English version of Disseram que voltei americanizado”: relações sindicais Brasil-Estados Unidos na ditadura militar brasileira (Unicamp Press, 2017). 
