The main part of the Register provides details of the workers on strike at the Bryant & May match factory at Bow, East London in March 1888. There are three lists showing 263 workers from the Centre and Top Centre workshops, 186 workers at the Victoria factory and 263 workers at the Wax and Box Stores and Patents. The lists show the name and address of each workers, together with marital status, occupation, last week's wages and whether living at home or independently. Additional notes show rent owed or dependents. Boy workers are indicated. This is followed by the Payments Register for all three workplaces, showing strike pay allotted and amounts actually paid out to each striker on July 14 and July 21. All workers received a minimum of 4 shillings [20p] , those who had earned over 6 shillings received 5 shillings and married women and widows received more.