Conference on union banners in Manchester
A conference organized by the National Museum of Labour History, the Society for the Study of Labour History and Manchester University, Social History Curators Group
Monday 3rd April 2000, 10.30-5.00
Pump House: People's History Museum, Bridge Street, Manchester M3 3ER
- Lord Garfield Davies of Coity: Banners and Trade Unions
- Sarah Gore and Ruth Steven: The National Banner Survey
- Annie Ravenhill-Johnson: 'Haven't I seen that somewhere before?': Where do banner images come from?
- Nick Mansfield: 'Why are there no Chartist banners?': The 'Missing Link' in 19th century banner
- Ciaran Cregan: The Northern Ireland Banner project
- Karen Thompson: 'Keeping banners right' Practical advice on looking after banners
- Hazel Edwards: 'Follow the Banner': Researching Miners' banners in Northumberland
- Andrew Reeves: Australian Banners and the legacy of John Gorman
Fee: £14 (£8 unwaged) incl tea/coffee. A sandwich lunch will be available at an extra cost of £5.
For further details and advanced booking contact Ruth Stevens, National Museum of Labour History, 103 Princess St, Manchester M1 6DD, tel: 0161 228 7212, fax: 0161 237 5965
Posted: 11 February 2000