German Women's History

Guide from the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung

Gender- und Frauengeschichte im Historischen Forschungszentrum der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung : Bestaende im Archiv der Sozialen Demokratie und in der Bibliothek der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung / Sabine Boltzendahl und Ilse Fischer. - Bonn : Historisches Forschungszentrum der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2003. - 190 S. : Ill. ISBN 3-89892-148-4.

The Archives of Social Democracy and the Library of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation have published a comprehensive documentation of their holdings on gender and women's history. The German-language publication gives a broad overview of the relevant archival holdings. The 135 collections and personal papers of women in the Archives are described in detail. The Library holdings comprise 704 titles of journals, newspapers, yearbooks and minutes of women's organisations within the labour movement (political left and trade unions).

This index is an important basis for research work on the organisation of women within the German and international labour movement.

English-language introductions to the survey of archival and library holdings are available on the Internet:

The publication can be ordered free of charge from the Library of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (

Hilke Kaeding
Bibliothek der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
Godesberger Allee 149
53170 Bonn
Tel: +49 228/883-551
Fax: +49 228/883-626