Memory and Globalization

CFP: International Oral History Conference

XIIIth International Oral History Conference
Rome, Italy, 23-26 June 2004

Call for Papers

Proposals are invited from around the world for contributions to the XIIIth International Oral History Conference hosted by the International Oral History Association in collaboration with the City of Rome. Proposals may be for a conference paper, a workshop session or a thematic panel. Only papers with a clear focus on oral history will be taken into consideration. Papers will also be evaluated according to their methodological and theoretical significance. The specific theme for the conference is ‘Memory and Globalization’. Proposals are also invited which address ongoing oral history issues and practices.

Conference sub-themes

  • the processes of globalization, from above, from below, and in the middle
  • local-regional-national-global relationships and impacts including the global impact of local and regional conflicts,the local and regional impact of global trends, and the transformation of local, regional, national economies and social structures
  • politics with a particular emphasis on the crisis of democracy in the globalization process
  • labour including 'new forms of labour' (casual, temporary, contractual, part-time, requiring mobility and adaptability, deskilling)
  • resources including the commodification of resources: water, health, tourism (including cultural tourism), and the expansion of consumer culture over poor and marginal people and cultures
  • transmission and preservation of memory including individual and collective memory, global forms, global corporate memory, digitisation, ethical issues
  • social movements including alternative globalization or anti-globalization movements, from the local to the transnational scale
  • war including the revival of war as a way of approaching international controversy
  • terrorism
  • migration including new types of migration (for example, the separation of national economic policies from migration policies, the increase of state regulations around their borders, the exclusion of labour migration from migration policies)
  • poverty including the growth, expansion, and feminization of poverty
  • development: the role of oral history, the impact of globalisation, ethics
  • gender, religion, music, health and healing dealt with specifically or as a particular focus within other sub-themes
  • theory and methodology

If you are interested, please send us a single-page proposal including an outline of your paper and the following details: name (with your family name in capital letters), affiliation, postal address, email address, phone and fax numbers. Proposals (and subsequently papers) must be written in English or Spanish. If possible abstracts in the other language should be provided. At the conference there will be simultaneous translation in English, Spanish and Italian for the plenary sessions. Efforts will be made to provide informal consecutive summary translation during workshop sessions.


The Conference Committee will confirm acceptance or rejection of your proposal by September 31, 2003. The final paper of no more than 15 double-spaced pages, must reach the conference organisers before December 15, 2003, for publication in the Conference Proceedings.


fax: 1-39-06-44249216 - Attention: Alessandro Portelli
IOHA 2004 Organising Committee
C/- Professor Alessandro Portelli
Piazza Campitelli 7
00100 Rome


Enquiries can be directed to the IOHA 2004 Organising Committee (email: or to
Africa: Philippe Denis (
Asia: Gunhan Danisman (
Europe: Alessandro Portelli (
Latin America: Marieta de Moraes Ferreira (
North America: Rina Benmayor (
Oceania: Janis Wilton (

For background on the conference theme ‘Memory and Globalisation’ and for details about the International Oral History Association (IOHA), visit the IOHA website:

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