ARAB Stockholm will be moving to a new location


The Arbetarrörelsens arkiv och bibliotek (Labour Movement Archives and Library), Stockholm, will be moving to a new location.

The move can affect your access to our collections and we may close for a period of time. We do not however expect any changes in our hours of service during 2011.

Our aim is to cause as little impact as possible on our users and their research. You should still be prepared for the following:

* Our library will most likely close for a period of time, with no loans possible.
* Access to archival materials will be enabled as long as possible, but you may have to book in advance to visit us.

The different periods of restricted service may not coincide, but overlap.

We still do not know where our new location will be, but expect it to be within the metropolitan area of Stockholm, reachable by public transport.

It is a good idea to contact us for the latest details in this matter, especially if you plan far ahead and are preparing a visit to us.

Please also visit our website regularly for the most recent information.