The first meeting of the Institute of Historical Research Seminar Series on
The Economic and Social History of the Premodern World, 1500-1800
will be held this Friday, 14th October, at Senate House, London, at 17:15.
Anne Murphy (Hertfordshire),
'Clock-watching: time and work at the eighteenth-century Bank of England'
(Location: Senate House, Athlone Room (Room 102))
The seminars for the rest of this term are:
28/10/2011, Susan Flavin (Bristol)
'Saffron, Stockings and Spectacles: Irish Participation in theSixteenth-Century World of Goods'
(Location: Senate House, Athlone Room (Room 102))
11/11/2011, John Dodgson (LSE),
'Gregory King and the economic structure of early modern England:constructing an input-output table for 1688'
(Location: Senate House, Bloomsbury Room (Room 35))
25/11/2011, Steve Broadberry (LSE),
‘British Economic Growth, 1270-1870’
(Location: Senate House, Athlone Room (Room 102))
2/12/2011, Inger Leemans (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam),
‘The exchange as beehive: the nature of economics & the economics of naturein the Netherlands, circa 1700’
(joint with Low Countries Seminar)
09/12/2011, Richard Drayton (KCL)
'France and the world economy in the 18th century’
(Location: Stewart House, ST274)
Patrick Wallis
Senior Lecturer,
Economic History, LSE
[Cross-posted, with thanks, from EH.NEWS]