Organizing the Dirty Work: Workplace Inequality, Civil Rights, and the Politics of Occupational Health and Safety

Call for panels, deadline 15 February


I currently am organizing a panel for the labor network for the Social Science History meeting in Chicago, November 21-24. Following on the conferences theme, Organizing Powers, we are looking for papers that would fit under the topic:

Organizing the Dirty Work: Workplace Inequality, Civil Rights, and the Politics of Occupational Health and Safety.

We have two papers so far, one on African American workers at the Rouge and one on women and the UAW efforts prior to Johnson Controls.

Please contact me at ad5247 [at] or evfaue [at] if you would like to present a paper or volunteer as commentator.

We have until February 15th (no wiggle room this year) to submit panels.

Elizabeth Faue
Professor of History
Director of Graduate Studies

Department of History
3094 Faculty Administration Bldg
Wayne State University
Detroit, MI 48202

Co-Chair, Labor Network, Social Science History Association

[Cross-posted, with thanks, from H-Labor]