Labour Sciences Journal - call for submissions

Call for papers, deadline 21 July

The Labour Sciences Journal, publication of DIEESE School of Labour Sciences opens its first public call for papers. (06/01/2013 - 07/12/2013)

The DIEESE ( Inter-Union Department of Statistics and Socio-Economic Studies), founded in 1955, has worked to know the reality experienced by workers and allow them access to information they trust. For the Brazilian labor movement the need for knowledge from the perspective of the working class resulted in a growing interest in a workers university. With the Escola DIEESE de Ciências do Trabalho (DIEESE School of Labour Sciences), established in 2011, the DIEESE accomplished a part of this project by proposing a graduate degree under a project based on an interdisciplinary focus on the production of knowledge of the working class on the labour issues. The Revista Ciências do Trabalho (Labour Sciences Journal) is an offshoot of the effort of this institution to foster debates on the issue and stimulate reflection on workers, union leaders and intellectuals. Thus, this publication aims to disseminate research and discussions around the labour theme with the publication of articles, essays, interviews and reviews in portuguese and english.

Submission period: 06/01/2013 - 07/12/2013

Texts Accepted:

a) Articles
Original articles resulting from completed or in-progress research, considering it has consolidated partial results. Items will be sent to referees and may be approved, approved with modifications or rejected.

b) Essays
The essay may result from partial research, inquiries that reveal ongoing questions or treat well based problem formulations, or to be developed in order to instigate further research.

c) Sources, files and databases
This section accepts texts that discuss investigative possibilities of research sources, collections, as well as databases already known or under development.

d) Reviews
The Labour Sciences Journal encourages the publication of critical reviews. We propose a detailed reading of the work followed by evaluation and questioning by the author of the review. Reviewed books are usually published within the last five years, however, exceptions may be open to books deemed "classics" or that bring a major contribution to the debates in the area.

Submissions should be made electronically on the website:

It is up to the editors to make a decision on the timing of publication of the papers received.

Publication Guidelines:

1. Papers should be 10-30 pages in Times New Roman 12, with a space 1.5, 2.5 cm margins, paragraph of 1.5 cm (first line), A4. Notes should be placed at the bottom of the page and can contain bibliographical references and / or critical commentary.

2. Articles should be accompanied by an abstract in Portuguese and an English abstract of no more than 10 lines and three keywords in Portuguese and English.

3. The article should be presented considering the following ordering: a) title in lowercase, centered and bold b) just below the name (s) (s) of author (s) left aligned c) if the research has financial backing from some institution, it should be mentioned in a footnote indicated with the symbol "*" d) institucional affiliation and e-mail e) portuguese abstract with keywords, English abstract with keywords f) the article itself.

4. The quotes from up to three (3) lines should be quoted in the text. The quotations of more than three lines should come detached, without quotes, with the left indent of 2 cm with single spacing and font size 12, both followed by the indicative notes. Any intervention in the middle of a quote (cuts indicated by ellipses or introduction of terms) must be enclosed in brackets.

5. The texts may be presented with illustrations and graphics with the sources mentioned properly.

6. The reviews can be up to five (5) pages, with title and three keywords in Portuguese and English.

7. The essays will have at least five (5) pages.

8. Texts sent to the section "Sources, files and databases" will have at least two (2) pages.

9. Standardization of notes cf. NBR 6023: SURNAME, Name. Title of book in italics: subtitle. editing City: Publisher, year, p. or pp; SURNAME, Name. Title the chapter or the book. In: Title of book in italics. Editing City: Publisher, year, p. x - y; SURNAME, Name. Title of article. Journal title in italics. City: Publisher, vol., Issue, p. x - y, year.

Samuel Souza
(11) 8608-7012
São Paulo-SP

[Cross-posted, with thanks, from H-Labor]