International Review of Social History

Table of Contents, Volume 58 part 2 (August 2013)


Peter Cole 'No Justice, No Ships Get Loaded: Political Boycotts on the San Francisco Bay and Durban Waterfronts'

Matt Perry 'In Search of "Red Ellen" Wilkinson Beyond Frontiers and Beyond the Nation State'

Marcel Hoogenboom 'Transnational Unemployment Insurance: The Inclusion and Exclusion of Foreign Workers in Labour Unions’ Unemployment Insurances (ca. 1900-1940)'


Christian de Vito and Alex Lichtenstein Writing a Global History of Convict Labour

Book reviews

Clare Anderson Subaltern Lives. Biographies of Colonialism in the Indian Ocean World, 1790-1920 (Ulbe Bosma)
Luisa Muñoz Abeledo Género, trabajo y niveles de vida en la industria conservera de Galicia, 1870-1970 (Vicent Sanz Rozalén)

Angelina Chin Bound to Emancipate. Working Women and Urban Citizenship in Early Twentieth-century China and Hong Kong (Helen M. Schneider)
Nanci Adler Keeping Faith with the Party. Communist Believers Return from the Gulag (Brigitte Studer)
Carol Quirke Eyes on Labor. News Photography and America's Working Class (Thomas Dublin)
Cindy Hahamovitch No Man's Land. Jamaican Guestworkers in America and the Global History of Deportable Labor (Eric Larson)
London Recruits. The Secret War Against Apartheid. Compiled and edited by Ken Keable with an introduction by Ronnie Kasrils and a foreword by Z. Pallo Jordan (Roeland Muskens)
Omar Guèye Sénégal. Histoire du mouvement syndical. La marche vers le Code du travail (Gregory Mann)
Meredith H. Lair Armed with Abundance. Consumerism and Soldiering in the Vietnam War (Donica Belisle)
Giuseppe Berta Fiat-Chrysler e la deriva dell'Italia industriale (Antonio Negro)

Guide to the International Archives and Collections at the IISH
