Conference: Societies Beyond Borders? New Horizons in Transnational Studies

Conference, 17-18 September 2015, Paris, France

International conference Societies Beyond Borders? New Horizons in Transnational Studies
CREW, Paris 3 University, Thursday 17 & Friday 18 September 2015.
Organized by the Center for Research on the English-Speaking World (CREW, EA 4399), Université Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle

While open to a variety of subject matter, this conference will feature three major themes in contemporary transnational studies: the sociology of migrations; international/transnational political economy; and transnational mobilizations, both in the contemporary era and in modern history.

Full two-day program here: [pdf ]

Keynote events

Thursday Sept. 17th, 11.00
Nina Glick Schiller, professor emeritus of social anthropology, University of Manchester (U.K.) and University of New Hampshire (U.S.) / Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology
Global Conjunctures, New Dispossessions, and Transnational Lives

Thursday Sept. 17th, 17.00
Roundtable on forthcoming book: A Century of Transnationalism: Immigrants and their Homeland Connections (University of Illinois Press),
featuring Nancy Green (history, EHESS), Roger Waldinger (sociology, UCLA), Mônica Raisa Schpun (EHESS), Marie-Claude Blanc-Chaléard (emeritus, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre), Thomas Lacroix (Université de Poitiers / Migrinter).

Friday Sept. 18th, 11.00
Robert O’Brien, professor of political science, McMaster University (Hamilton, Ontario), associate editor of the Global Labour Journal
Twenty-First Century Labor Internationalism


Those who wish to attend the conference are invited to fill out the registration form below and send it to the address indicated. The price of entry will be 20 euros, to be paid in cash or by check upon arrival, on either day of the event. Non-working students and unemployed persons are exempted.


Ceux qui souhaitent assister au colloque sont invités à s’inscrire en remplissant le formulaire. Le prix d’entrée est de 20 euros. Entrée gratuite pour étudiants non salariés et chômeurs.

Registration form here / formulaire d’inscription ici

Organizing committee and contacts / Responsables scientifiques et organisateurs

* Yann Béliard
* James Cohen
* Evelyne Payen-Variéras
* Jean-Baptiste Velut

Doctoral student organizers

* Emilie Cheyroux
* Anne Cousson
* Solveig Marois
* Brahim Oumansour (Ph.D. 10/2014)…

