CfA: Society for the Anthropology of Work Research Grant

Call for applications, deadline 1 March 2020

The Society for the Anthropology of Work (SAW) invites proposals for a new small grant intended to support research on the anthropology of work, broadly defined. The maximum amount for each award is $1500. These funds will be disbursed directly to the grant recipient and can be used for expenses such as transportation (including mileage reimbursement), visa fees, housing, meals, and incidentals.

Submission Guidelines

A SAW Research Grant proposal consists of: 1) a 1000-word proposal narrative, including an overview of the project and its relevance to the anthropology of work, as well as a description of the proposed research activities, and 2) an itemized budget. Please send both documents as attachments in an email with the subject line “SAW Research Grant Application” to

The deadline for this year’s SAW Research Grant competition is March 1, 2020. Awards can be disbursed as early as June 1, 2020.


The SAW Research Grant competition is open to current graduate students and post-PhD scholars who do not hold a tenure-track faculty position. Current members of the SAW Executive Board are not eligible to apply.

As a condition of the award, recipients will be expected to write a blog-length post about the research that the grant supported for Exertions, SAW’s short-form web publication, within three months of completing the research.
