1998 - 4 (October)

Articles in this issue

Apollo and Dionysus in Andrei Belyi's Petersburg

Pages: 507 - 525

The Kharmsian Absurd and the Bergsonian Comic: Against Kant and Causality

Pages: 526 - 538

No Exit: Piranesi, Doré, and the Transformation of the Petersburg Myth in Mstislav Dobuzhinskii's Urban Dreams

Pages: 539 - 567

The Search for the World: Echoes of the Apophthegma in the Kievan Caves Patericon

Pages: 568 - 582

The Don Cossacks during the 1905 Revolution: The Revolt of Ust-Medveditskaia Stanitsa

Pages: 583 - 598

Irreconcilable Differences: Divorce and Conflicting Conceptions of Private Life in the Khrushchev Era

Pages: 599 - 613

Notes and Documents

The Munich Crisis and the Issue of Red Army Transit across Romania

Pages: 614 - 617

Film Review

A Chef in Love

Pages: 618 - 619

Book review, by Joe Andrew

Resetting the Margins: Russian Romantic Verse Tales and the Idealized Women

Page: 620

Book review, by Valerie A. Kivelson

The Occult in Russian and Soviet Culture

Pages: 621 - 622

Book review, by Emil A. Draitser

Anti-mir russkoi kul'tury: Iazyk, fol'klor, literatura

Pages: 622 - 623

Book review, by Natalie Kononenko

Zavetnye skazki iz sobraniia N.E. Onchukova

Pages: 623 - 624

Book review, by Alexander Orbach

To the Other Shore: The Russian Jewish Intellectuals Who Came to America

Pages: 624 - 625

Book review, by John Kopper

The Poetics of Korolenko's Fiction

Pages: 625 - 626

Book review, by Thomas Gaiton Marullo

The Narratology of the Autobiography: An Analysis of the Literary Devices Employed in Ivan Bunin's "The Life of Arsen'ev"

Pages: 626 - 627

Book review, by Sidney Monas

Corporeal Words: Bakhtin's Theology of Discourse

Pages: 627 - 628

Book review, by Nina Perlina

The First Hundred Years of Mikahail Bakhtin

Pages: 628 - 631

Book review, by Adele Barker

The Explosive World of Tatyana N. Tolstoya's Fiction

Pages: 631 - 632

Book review, by Carol Adlam

Dehexing Sex: Russian Womanhood during and after Glasnost

Pages: 632 - 633

Book review, by Carol B. Stevens

Autocracy in the Provinces: The Muscovite Gentry and Political Culture in the Seventeenth Century

Pages: 633 - 634

Book review, by Carolyn Pouncy

Chastnaia zhizn' russkoi zhenshchiny: Nevesta, zhena, liubovnitsa (X-nachalo XIX vv.)

Pages: 634 - 635

Book review, by Maureen Perrie

Etnografiia vostochnykh slavian v zarubezhnykh issledovaniiakh (1945-1990)

Pages: 635 - 636

Book review, by Robert Geraci

Empire and Society: New Approaches to Russian History

Pages: 636 - 637

Book review, Audrey L. Altstadt

Russia and Azerbaijan: A Borderland in Transition

Pages: 636 - 637

Book review, by Girish N. Bhat

Autokratie und Justiz: Zum Verhältnis von Rechtsstaatlichkeit und Rückständigkeit im ausgehenden Zarenreich, 1864-1914

Pages: 639 - 640

Book review, by Judith Zimmerman

Die Provinz Wählt: Russlands Konstitutionell-Demokratische Partei und die Dumawahlen 1906-1912

Pages: 640 - 641

Book review, by Christine D. Worobec

Sotsial'nye konflikty i krest'ianskaia mental'nost v Rossiiskoi imperii nachala XX veka: Novye materialy, metody, resul'taty

Pages: 641 - 642

Book review, by Alan Wood

Between Heaven and Hell: The Myth of Siberia in Russian Culture

Pages: 642 - 643

Book review, by Stefan Plaggenborg

Rußland 1917: Ein Land auf der Suche nach sich selbst

Page: 644

Book review, by Michael C. Hickey

Anatomiia revoliutsii: 1917 god v Rossii: Massy, partii, vlast'

Pages: 644 - 645

Book review, by Gábor T. Rittersporn

Revolutionskultur: Menschenbilder und kulturelle Praxis in Sowjetrussland zwischen Oktoberrevolution und Stalinismus

Pages: 645 - 646

Book review, by Mary Zirin

Bolshevik Women

Pages: 646 - 647

Book review, by Nina Tumarkin

Making of an Idol: On Uses on Lenin

Pages: 647 - 648

Book review, by Michael Melançon

From the Other Shore: Russian Social Democracy after 1921

Pages: 648 - 650

Book review, by Gerald Surh

Making Workers Soviet: Power, Class and Identity

Pages: 650 - 652

Book review, by Steve Smith

The Soviet Experiment: Russia, the USSR and the Successor States

Pages: 652 - 653

Book review, by Helen Sullivan

Russkie ofitsial'nye i vedomstvennye izdaniia: XIX-nachalo XX veka: Katalog

Pages: 653 - 655

Book review, by Helen Sullivan

Fondy i kollektsii rukopisnogo otdela: Kratkii spravochnik

Pages: 653 - 655

Book review, by Robert L. Nichols

The Russian Orthodox Church: Triumphalism and Defensiveness

Page: 653

Book review, by Mauricio Borrero

NEP i Perestroika: Massovoe soznanie sel'skogo naseleniia v usloviiakh perekhoda v rynku

Pages: 655 - 656

Book review, by James Richter

Ideas and International Political Change: Soviet/Russian Behavior and the End of the Cold War

Pages: 656 - 657

Book review, by Sarah Meiklejohn Terry

The Enigma of 1989: The USSR and the Liberation of Eastern Europe

Pages: 657 - 659

Book review, by Andrzej Korbonski

Russian Civil-Military Relations

Pages: 659 - 660

Book review, by Lena Jonson

The Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation

Pages: 660 - 661

Book review, by Nathaniel Richmond

Dangerous Crossroads: Europe, Russia and the Future of NATO

Pages: 661 - 662

Book review, by Guy Standing

New Rich, New Poor, New Russia: Winners and Losers in the Russian Road to Capitalism

Pages: 662 - 663

Book review, by Matthew Wyman

The Russian Parliamentary Elections of 1995: The Battle for the Duma

Pages: 663 - 664

Book review, by Thomas F. Remington

Russia's 1996 Presidential Election: The End of Polarized Politics

Pages: 664 - 665

Book review, by Shoshana Keller

Post-Soviet Women: From Baltic to Central Asia

Pages: 665 - 666

Book review, by Jaroslaw Bilocerkowycz

Managing Conflict in the Former Soviet Union: Russian and American Perspectives

Page: 667