2007 - 2

Articles in this issue

A Brief history of Anarchist Studies (so far)

Pages: 100 - 106

Anarchist theory: what should be done?

Pages: 106 - 108

Facilitating diversity: some thoughts on being a book reviews editor

Pages: 109 - 110

Such, such were the joys: confessions of an anarcho-editorialist

Pages: 111 - 113


Pages: 113 - 114

What is anarchist literary theory?

Pages: 115 - 131

Deleuze, Derrida and anarchism

Pages: 132 - 156

Lysander Spooner's critique of the social contract

Pages: 157 - 178

Book Review by John Quail

Political Economy from Below - Economic Thought in Communitarian Anarchism, 1840-1914

Pages: 179 - 181

Book Review by James 'Bar' Bowen

The British Folk Revival (1944-2002)

Pages: 181 - 184

Book Review by David Goodway

Resisting Our Culture of Conformity: In the Hills of Southern Ohio and in the Groves of Academe

Pages: 184 - 188

Book Review by Brian Morris

Bakunin: The Creative Passion

Pages: 189 - 192