CfP: LinksVerkehr. Frankfurt am Main/Marburg - Ideentransit um 1968. Folge I: "Macht und Gewalt"


„Macht und Gewalt“ - Workshop im Recherche-Verbund „LinksVerkehr. Frankfurt a.M./Marburg-Ideentransfer um 1968“

2018 jähren sich die Ereignisse der 1968er Studentenbewegung zum 50. Mal. Aus diesem Anlass organisiert das Institut für Sozialforschung, Frankfurt a.M. zusammen mit dem Institut für Politikwissenschaft der Philipps-Universität Marburg/Portal Ideengeschichte eine Verbund-Recherche zu den wechselseitigen Kontakten zwischen diesen beiden Zentren der linken politischen Kultur in der Bundesrepublik.

Candidates for President and Board Member of International Association of Labour History Institutions

The International Association of Labour History Institutions (IALHI) brings together archives, libraries, documentation centres, museums and research institutions specializing in the history and theory of the labour and social movements from all over the world. IALHI's main goal is to facilitate the exchange of expertise in order to preserve, and promote the access to, and the use of, their respective collections.


A Period of Global Revolutions (Mid-1900s until mid-1920s). Foreshadowing the 20th century or ending a long revolutionary tradition?

A Period of Global Revolutions (Mid-1900s until mid-1920s). Foreshadowing the 20th century or ending a long revolutionary tradition? Young Scholars Workshop

Host/Organizer: Prof. Dr. Stefan Berger, Institute for Social Movements / Prof. Dr. Klaus Weinhauer, Bielefeld University, Faculty of History
Institute for Social Movements, Bochum
Date: 24-5-2018
Deadline: 31-12-2017