CfP: Zwangsarbeit in Europa unter NS-Herrschaft. Unfreie Arbeit im transnationalen Vergleich

Dear colleagues,

I would like to draw your attention to the following Call for Papers for a workshop on “Zwangsarbeit in Europa unter NS-Herrschaft. Unfreie Arbeit im transnationalen Vergleich” at the Museum Arbeitswelt Steyr, Upper Austria, taking place from 9-10 September 2016. The workshop will be held in German and English (without interpretation!). Please consider the deadline for submission: 10 July 2016.

Many thanks and best regards,
Lukas Neissl


Liebe KollegInnen,

Workshop per la fondazione del gruppo SISLav "Lavoro libero e non libero"

Workshop per la fondazione del gruppo SISLav "Lavoro libero e non libero"
28 Giugno 2016
Istituto Sangalli Firenze


Ore 9.15 Saluti iniziali Istituto Sangalli
Ore 9.30 inizio dei lavori
_Christian De Vito_ Global Labour History, convict labour, indenture work
_Claudia Bernardi_ Il lavoro migrante nella storia globale del lavoro libero e non
_Federica Morelli_ Schiavitù e libertà in un territorio di frontiera

CfP: Slave Trade in the Indian Ocean and Indonesian Archipelago Worlds (16th to 19th Century)

Slave Trade in the Indian Ocean and Indonesian Archipelago Worlds (16th to 19th Century)
New Research, Results and Comparisons
Thursday 10 and Friday 11 November 2016, International Workshop, IISH, Amsterdam
Organizers: Matthias van Rossum (International Institute of Social History) and Titas Chakraborty (University of Pittsburgh / Oberlin College)

CfP: ‘Das Kapital’ - The one hundred and fifty anniversary of its publication

Radical Footnotes is an independent typographic space committed to bring forward the printed expression of the Working Class. You are invited to submit a short discourse addressing problems, analyzing developments, points of contention, methodologies, approaches and insights concerning:


1) Proposals: From intellectual workers in the academic sector, political organizations and individuals interested in Marx scholarship.

Fondazione Feltrinelli: I viaggi sono i viaggiatori

I viaggi sono i viaggiatori

27 giugno 2016, ore 18.00 - via Romagnosi 3, Milano

Ingresso libero


Il 27 giugno chiude la sala di lettura della Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli nella sede storica di via Romagnosi 3. Carlo Feltrinelli, Salvatore Veca e Massimiliano Tarantino hanno il piacere di invitarvi a un aperitivo di saluto in attesa di rivedervi nella nuova sede di viale Pasubio che aprirà al pubblico alla fine del 2016.

Les nouvelles figures du social : concepts et professions. La question sociale au XXIe siècle

Université d’été : les nouvelles figures du social
4-8 juillet 2016
Université Paris Diderot

Une Université d’été sur « les nouvelles figures du social » est organisée dans le cadre du pôle « sciences sociales » de USPC du 4 au 8 juillet 2016.

Elle réunira des enseignants-chercheurs de USPC ainsi que de nombreuses autres universités de France. Elle associera des professionnels et des acteurs de la société civile autour des manières nouvelles dont le social fait l’objet de savoirs, de professions, de prises de parole et de mobilisations.

9 tables rondes :