Documents from conference on the PRAXIS-Group and the so called Summer school on the island Korcula online

Vom 13.-15. Oktober 2011 veranstaltete das Büro der Rosa LuxemburgStiftung (RLS) Belgrad die Konferenz PRAXIS Kritik und HumanistischerSozialismus zur jugoslawischen Praxis-Philosophie und der Sommerschuleauf Korčula (die von 1963-1974 stattfand).
Die RLS wollte die Aktualität der reformkommunistischen undtransnationalen demokratisch-sozialistischen Debatte prüfen.

Es liegen aktuell die Referate in schriftlicher Form vor, weitereMaterialien sollen noch ins Internet eingestellt werden.

Sixth Low Countries Conference

Please find below the program of the Sixth Low Countries Conference.
The conference, taking place in Antwerp on 1-2 December 2011, is organizedannually by the Posthumus Research Program Economy and society of thepre-industrial Low Countries in comparative perspective, and focuses thisyear on the broad theme of Rich and poor in the pre-industrial world.

Note that while attendance is free of charge, we do ask you to register forthe conference before 18 November via mail to jord.hanus [at]

We hope to see you in Antwerp!

Book Reviewers Wanted For Anarchist Studies

Anarchist Studies publishes reviews of books from a wide range of disciplines and subject areas, and I would like to refresh and especially broaden our list of potential reviewers. I would therefore like to invite anybody who is interested to get in touch. If you would like to write reviews for the journal, please e-mail me with a brief summary of your experience/knowledge of anarchist studies, details of the areas you would be able and willing to review in and a postal address.

IHR Seminar Series: Economic and Social History of the Premodern World, 1500-1800

The first meeting of the Institute of Historical Research Seminar Series on
The Economic and Social History of the Premodern World, 1500-1800
will be held this Friday, 14th October, at Senate House, London, at 17:15.

Anne Murphy (Hertfordshire),
'Clock-watching: time and work at the eighteenth-century Bank of England'
(Location: Senate House, Athlone Room (Room 102))

The seminars for the rest of this term are: