Labour History

Please find [below] the contents of the current May 2007 of Labour History. If anyone has further questions or wish to obtain an issue, please contact Margaret Walters on [mailto][/mailto]

Best wishes, Greg Patmore, Editor, Labour History

Labour History. A Journal of Labour and Social History
Number 92 * May 2007


Historia del PCE

II Congreso de Historia del PCE: de la resistencia antifranquista a la creación de IU. Un enfoque social.
Madrid: UCM, 22 - 24/11/2007

Desde la Sección de Historia de la FIM, estamos trabajando en el II Congreso de Historia del PCE: de la resistencia antifranquista a la creación de IU. Un enfoque social, que tendrá lugar los días 22, 23 y 24 de noviembre de 2007 en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

International Labor and Working-Class History

The editorial board at International Labor and Working-Class History is pleased to announce an exciting change in the format of the journal. We will gradually be eliminating standard reviews of single books in order to replace them with fewer but much longer, more substantial, and more provocative review essays on particular issues, themes or problems. Rather than analyzing the merit of particular volumes, we hope to make the review session a forum for drawing together "state of the debate" approaches to knowledge about global labor history.

Between Marx and Coca-Cola

Published by (January, 2007)

Axel Schild and Detlef Siegfried, eds. Between Marx and Coca-Cola: Youth Cultures in Changing European Societies, 1960-1980. New York: Berghahn, 2006. 480 pp. Table of contents. $85.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-1-84545-009-0; $29.95 (paper), ISBN 978-1-84545-333-6.

Reviewed for H-German by Benita Blessing, Department of History, Ohio University.

"Talkin' Bout a Revolution" (Tracy Chapman, "Elektra" [1988])

Chartism Day 2007

Chartism Day 2007, University of Sheffield, Saturday 16 June 2007.

The Chartist Conference is organised jointly by the Society of Labour History and the Chartist Study Group. It will be held at the Douglas Knoop Centre, The Humanities Research Institute, University of Sheffield, 34, Gell Street, Sheffield S3 7QY.

9. 30 Registration

9. 55 Introduction: Dr Joan Allen (Newcastle University)

10. 00 'French Revolution or Peasants Revolt: the rebellions of 1817 and the origins of the mass platform': Dr Robert Poole (St Martin's, Lancaster)

11. 00 Coffee

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