Labour History Network

Fifth European Social Science History Conference
Berlin, Germany, 24-27 March 2004
Call for papers

The deadline for proposing sessions and papers for the fifth ESSHC has been extended to May 15. The Fifth European Social Science History Conference will be held at the Humboldt University in Berlin, on 24-27 March 2004.

The network on Labour and Working Class History will use this extension to round of the formation of a number of session on which we have room for one more paper. The topics of these sessions are:

Asbestos Mining in South Africa

Jock McCulloch. Asbestos Blues: Labour, Capital, Physicians and the State in South Africa. African Issues Series. Oxford: James Curry, and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2002. xviii + 252 pp. Tables, map, photographs, bibliography, index. $49.95 (cloth), ISBN 0-253-34127-2; $22.95 (paper), ISBN 0-253-21541-2.



Announcing H-Peace: H-Net Network on Peace History and Peace Studies

Sponsored by H-Net, Humanities and Social Sciences On-line, Michigan State University


H-Peace is an international scholarly network that seeks to broaden understanding about historical and contemporary peace and justice concerns. An affiliate of the Peace History Society, H-Peace provides an easy way to stay informed of the latest developments in Peace History and Peace Studies, and to communicate with other scholars working and teaching in these fields.

Labour and Fascism

The Labour Movement and Fascism

A conference organised by the Society for the Study of Labour History and the School of Continuing Education, University of Leeds
Saturday 8 November 2003, 10.00am - 5.00pm
Venue: Continuing Education Building, University of Leeds

Urban Environmental History

Third International Round-Table on Urban Environmental History of the 19th and 20th Century
The Making of European Contemporary Cities: an Environmental History
University of Siena, June 24-27, 2004

Call for Papers

The conferences on urban environmental history hosted by the University of Clermont-Ferrand in May 2000, and by the University of Leicester in June 2002, were valuable opportunities to set out the 'state of art' in this field, to exchange information and to share and establish common research agendas.

Marxism and History

A meeting on the occasion of the publication of John Saville’s Political Memoirs to discuss Marxism and History.

  • Eric Hobsbawm
  • Dorothy Thompson
  • John Saville

Friday May 16 2003
Meeting, 6 pm–7.30 pm
Stapleton House, London Metropolitan University,
277-281 Holloway Rd., London N7 8HN

Tickets are £5 in advance available from Working Lives Research Institute, 277-281 Holloway Rd. London N7 8HN, Email: