Lezione gramsciana 2022 con Lea Ypi

La Fondazione Gramsci Emilia-Romagna è lieta di presentare la 16a edizione della Lezione Gramsciana che si terrà mercoledì 25 maggio 2022 e che vedrà la partecipazione della Professoressa Lea Ypi della London School of Economics and Political Science.


Lezione gramsciana 2022 con Lea Ypi

Mercoledì 25 maggio 2022 ore 17.00

Sala Convegni Via Mentana 2 (Fondazione Barberini) e Online su ZOOM (clicca qui per ricevere il link)


CfP: Silence is (not) an option. Re-thinking oral history post Me-too

Silence occurs in every oral history interview and comes in many forms. Some silences are striking, others are barely noticeable. Some express comfort, others discomfort. Some signify a refusal to speak, others do not. The meanings of silence are myriad: it may express taboo, trauma, forgetting, reluctance, oppression, deceit, politeness, censorship, secrecy, contemplation, reflection, or simply that there is no need to explain.

Activities of the Nordic Labour History Network - Spring 2022




The digital age has transformed historical and labour research. Mass digitization of archival sources, novel computational methods and the rise of the digital public sphere encourage us to re-think how we research labour and write history in the twenty-first century. It is high time to scrutinize the ”digital turn” in the context of labour history and labour studies. 

CfP: Class, Race and Place in the US South: American Politics through the Lens of Michael Goldfield’s Work

Class, Race and Place in the US South: American Politics through the Lens of Michael Goldfield’s Work
International Conference, organized by IMAGER (Université Paris-Est Créteil) and CREW (Sorbonne Nouvelle) research centers, 2-3 February 2023

Recent events in the United States remind us to what extent the South is both a place of distinctive identities and a space sharing a common heritage.