Looking back at the African Lefts. Call for papers for the Cahiers d’histoire. Revue d’histoire critique Social and Labour History News
Control and punishment devices: 3rd International Conference on History of Prison and Punitive Institutions Social and Labour History News
Images du travail, travail des images (n° 21, septembre 2026): Représenter les scientifiques au travail (French) Social and Labour History News
Imagining the Anti-Fascist City: Contested Geographies of Resistance and Solidarity Social and Labour History News
Industrial Democracy. Conceptualising and Experiencing an alternative modernity (mid-19th century-mid-20th century) Social and Labour History News
Shared Housing: New Approaches to Re-evaluating Everyday Life in East-Central and Southeastern Europe between the Late Eighteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries Social and Labour History News
60th ITH Conference: Workers and Worldmaking: Labor in the Era of Decolonization Social and Labour History News
9th Issue of "USAbroad - Journal of American History and Politics": U.S. Capitalism Beyond the New History of Capitalism Social and Labour History News