Labour Internationalism

Ann: Revue belge de phil. et histoire special issue

Dear colleagues,

A special issue on labour internationalism for the Belgian journal Revue Belge de Philologie et d'Histoire / Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Filologie en Geschiedenis (Belgian Journal for Philology and History) has recently come out.

The publication contains the following contributions:

  • Magaly Rodríguez García, "Introduction: Defining Labour Internationalism"
  • Constance Bantman, "Internationalism without an International? Cross-Channel Anarchist Networks, 1880-1914"
  • Ralph Darlington, "Revolutionary Syndicalist Opposition to the First World War: A Contemporary Reassessment"
  • Wayne Thorpe, "El Ferrol, Rio de Janeiro, Zimmerwald, and Beyond: Syndicalist Internationalism, 1914-1918"
  • Geert Van Goethem, "An International Experiment of Women Workers: The International Federation of Working Women, 1919-1924"
  • Magaly Rodríguez García, "Early Views on Internationalism: Marxist Socialists vs Liberals"
  • Robert Anthony Waters & Gordon Oliver Daniels, "'When you're handed money on a platter, it's very hard to say, 'where are you getting this?'": The AFL-CIO, the CIA, and British Guiana"
  • Andrew Dawson, "'Bring Hollywood Home!' Studio Labour, Nationalism and Internationalism, and Opposition to 'Runaway Production', 1948-2003"
  • Victor Silverman, "Green Unions in a Grey World: Labor Environmentalism and International Institutions"

Anyone interested in this publication, please send a message including the postal address where the journal can be sent to.

Kind regards,

Magaly Rodríguez García
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Vakgroep geschiedenis - Department of history
Pleinlaan 2 - 5B 407d
1050 Brussels
Tel. + 32.2.629.12.76
Email: [mailto][/mailto]