Workshop 'Latin America in Global Context' at Global History Conference

Workshop, 18 to 21-10-2016, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Global History Conference
Fundação Getulio Vargas, Praia de Botafogo, 190. Rio de Janeiro - 18/10/2016 - 18:00 - 21/10/2016 - 18:30

In the last years, an important shift has taken place within Latin American Studies, advocating a global approach to writing history. As rewarding and innovative as these new approaches are, they provide specific challenges regarding both methodology as well as implementation. So far, global history has been dominated by Asian and African studies and Latin America has only played a marginal role, both as an object and subject of study. Despite its huge potential for Latin America as a research field, it remains unclear how historians of Latin America might contribute to it.

This Conference, hence, explores new ideas and debates on how to write Latin American history within a global framework and how to trace the links and diffusions of ideas. The event will take place at the Getulio Vargas Foundation having in parallel the 2nd “Coloquio Internacional - Latinoamérica y la Historia Global” of the Red Latinoamericana de Historia Global and the 2nd “Workshop Latin America in a Global Context”. Both events jointly aim to bring together a range of researchers from distinct countries and academic cultures with the explicit long-term goal of facilitating regional integration, co-operations and collaborations, particularly between senior researches from Latin America and early career researchers. The overall goal is to facilitate a productive and enriching forum for discussion.

Sessions will be held in english and are open to hearing audience.

It is not allowed to enter FGV's facilities wearing shorts and flip-flops.

Click here for more information.

Due to the high interest for the event and considering the limited places available, we inform that access to the Opening and Closing Sessions remains unrestricted but that for each of the Discussion Sessions (1 to 7 ) and to the Round Table is now necessary to register. To make the registration, please send your full name to
