Specialist Group for the Study of Anarchism

Ann: new study group

Announcing the establishment of a
Political Science Association (UK) Specialist Study Group:
Specialist Group for the Study of Anarchism
Department of Politics
IR and European Studies (PIRES)
Loughborough University, UK.

In the wake of renewed interest in anarchist thought, the PSA Specialist Group for the Study of Anarchism (SGSA) will facilitate and promote the academic study of anarchism. This will be done by providing an institutional forum to bring graduate students, activists and professional academics together, to share the latest research and developments in anarchist theory and practice. The specialist working group will also provide an interdisciplinary platform through which anarchism can be promoted as a viable practical, conceptual, and pedagogical paradigm for 21st century academia. PSA study groups are eligible for up to £1,500 per annum to fund their activities. One of the primary aims of the group is to use official PSA recognition as a platform for further research funding applications.

Other proposed projects of the working group include the following:

  1. The organisation of a biannual seminar series for graduate students
  2. The organisation of an annual two-day conference on the legacy and work of individual anarchists or aspects of anarchist history, contemporary anarchist practice, or anarchism's potential to contribute (analytically / pragmatically) to political and economic change
  3. An annual public lecture by leading anarchist academics / activists
  4. Coordinating publication strategies. This will include publication in the refereed journal Anarchist Studies, and liaison with other publishers and on-line magazines, as well as publication in more generic political science journals
  5. Coordinating broader and long-term research projects
  6. Facilitate engagement and mutual learning between anarchist academic and activist groups

A Steering Group Meeting to coordinate our activities over the coming years will be held in early February 2006, at the Department of Politics, IR and European Studies (PIRES), Loughborough University. We would encourage as many academics and activists to attend as possible.

Please email all suggestions for discussion to the address below prior to attendance. The date of the meeting will depend on the commitments of attendees. We will endeavour to find as suitable a date as possible. Members will be notified of the date of the meeting in early January. Travel costs will be covered where possible. SGSA membership is free, so please encourage as many people to join as possible!!

If you would like to join the group, have any suggestions for future activities, or would like any further information, please contact: Alex Prichard (SGSA Secretary) at:

Alex Prichard
Research Student
Department of Politics, IR and European Studies
Loughborough University
LE11 3TU