CfP: Re-Working Class: Setting A New Agenda for Canadian Labour and Working-Class History





[English to follow]

Repenser la classe ouvrière : Tracer une nouvelle voie pour l’histoire du monde du travail et de la class ouvrière au Canada

Colloque parrainé par Labour/le Travail, le Comité canadien sur l'histoire du travail et St. Thomas More College, University of Saskatchewan

Le 12-13 octobre 2018

St. Thomas More College, University of Saskatchewan

CfP: Time and Activism: Ruptures, Experiences, Aftermaths, 1848-1968


Durham University, 5 July 2018

‘We stand on the last promontory of the centuries!… Why should we look back, when what we want is to break down the mysterious doors of the Impossible? Time and Space died yesterday. We already live in the absolute, because we have created eternal, omnipresent speed.’ So demanded Filippo Tommaso Marinetti in The Futurist Manifesto the destruction of the decaying old world and the embracing of a radical, new, industrial future cleansed through violence.