TOC: Schweizerisches Sozialarchiv Newsletter 4/2015

Vor 90 Jahren: Die Erste Arbeiterolympiade

Veranstaltungen und Kooperationen des Schweizerischen Sozialarchivs

Andreas Schwab ist Gast im Sozialarchiv 2015

Veranstaltungsreihe „Wege zum Glück? – Utopien und alternative Lebensformen gestern und heute“

27. August 2015, 19.00 Uhr:
Utopien revisited – im Schnellgang durch 200 Jahre anderes Leben

12. September 2015, 14.30 Uhr:
Freiheit im Freidorf? Ein genossenschaftliches Pionierprojekt auf dem Prüfstand

CFP: Labour (dis)united. Disputed legitimacies within the British labour movement


“Labour (dis)united. Disputed legitimacies within the British labour movement”

Monday 4 April 2016, People's History Museum, Manchester

The conference, organised by the Centre for Research on the English-speaking World (CREW, Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3 University), is sponsored by the Society for the Study of Labour History (SSLH) and the Labour Movements Group of the Political Studies Association (PSA).

The Sea of Identities: A Century of Baltic and East European Experiences with Nationality, Class, and Gender

Please note the following recently published book, available open access on the web, which touches a variety of labour issues:
Norbert Götz (ed.). The Sea of Identities: A Century of Baltic and East European Experiences with Nationality, Class, and Gender. Södertörn Academic Studies 60.
Huddinge: Södertörn University, 2014.

TSEG Special Issue on 'Great Divergence'

Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis

Jrg. 12 (2015) nummer 2 - Inhoudsopgave

Special issue:
Escaping the Great Divergence?
A discussion about and in response to Peer Vries's Escaping Poverty. The Origins of Modern Economic Growth
Guest-editor Eric Vanhaute


Escaping the Great Divergence? A discussion about and in response to Peer Vries's Escaping poverty. The origins of modern economic growth. An introduction
Eric Vanhaute

Dream Factories

After the 2nd World War, two different models of society developed in the Nordic and Baltic countries, which were divided by the Cold War: the Nordic welfare states under Social Democratic governments and the Baltic socialist republics under Soviet occupation. Industrial production was the economic foundation for the welfare states and the socialist countries. In spite of ideological and national differences through the two shores of the Baltic Sea went through radical industrialization and modernization process in post-war high-industrial age.

Mesa sobre "Militante crítico" de Almeyra e inauguración de su Biblioteca

A fines del año pasado apareció Militante crítico, una vida sin concesiones (Buenos Aires, Peña Lillo / Continente), del historiador y periodista argentino Guillermo Almeyra, una vigorosa y polémica autobiografía que sigue su itinerario político e intelectual por las más diversas latitudes del planeta.
Casi al mismo tiempo, Almeyra donó al CeDInCI su biblioteca, cerca de cinco mil libros y revistas reunidos y anotados durante más de medio siglo de vida militante.

Ámbitos - Boletín Digital de Actividades Fundación Francisco Largo Caballero

Boletín Digital de Actividades
número 92 - junio 2015

Cursos y Seminarios

Seminario "Empleo de las personas con discapacidad y negociación colectiva". Bruselas, CESE

El lunes 29 de junio de 2015 se realizó en Bruselas, en la sede del Comité Económico Social Europeo (CESE), la jornada “Empleo de las personas con discapacidad y Negociación Colectiva” convocada por la Fundación Francisco Largo Caballero en el marco del proyecto de difusión de los estudios realizados para la Fundación ONCE.

News from the Working Class Movement Library

Working Class Movement Library
51 Crescent, Salford, UK

Events coming up at the Library and elsewhere

Spirit of '45

We have two more free talks coming up which run alongside our Spirit of '45 exhibition:

Wednesday 8 July 2pm
Pat Thane talk on the 1945 welfare reforms
Pat, who is Research Professor in Contemporary British History, Institute of Contemporary British History, King's College, London, will speak about the post-war welfare reforms.