Journal de la BDIC
Page 1. Un laboratoire de et pour la recherche
Page 2. Le mot des lecteurs : Interview de Bernard George : De la Grande Collecte à la recherche
Page 1. Un laboratoire de et pour la recherche
Page 2. Le mot des lecteurs : Interview de Bernard George : De la Grande Collecte à la recherche
The final free talk in our Invisible Histories series is by Sheila Cohen on Wednesday 22 April at 2pm - Notoriously militant: the story of a union branch at Ford Dagenham.
Sheila Cohen's book Notoriously militant, based on original research and oral history, covers the history of Ford's Dagenham plant - and its roots in Henry Ford's early US activities - from 20th century shop floor struggles to the 21st century fight against plant closure.
La Lettre d'Information de l'IRELP
6 avril 2015 - N°14
The symposium 'Moralizing Capitalism' addresses the impact of moral sentiments on capitalist society and vice versa. In the age of democratic revolutions, industrialisation and the consolidation of capitalism new and different religious and political-ethical movements gained in importance. They were articulated for example by Enlightenment thinkers or in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. Thus, new conceptions of morality emerged during this period.
10e jaargang, nr. 3, maart 2015
Dagblad Vooruit gedigitaliseerd!
De Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België en Amsab-Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis stellen vanaf vandaag een van hun belangrijkste krantencollecties, met name die van het dagblad Vooruit (1884-1950), digitaal ter beschikking van het publiek.
Fototentoonstelling voedselhulp tijdens WO I
De tentoonstelling in de gangen van Amsab-ISG met foto's van de voedselbedeling in Brussel tijdens WO I wordt gesmaakt. Kom gerust eens langs!
The symposium 'Moralizing Capitalism' addresses the impact of moral sentiments on capitalist society and vice versa. In the age of democratic revolutions, industrialisation and the consolidation of capitalism new and different religious and political-ethical movements gained in importance. They were articulated for example by Enlightenment thinkers or in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen.
Le projet PAPRIK@2F (Portail Archives Politiques Recherches Indexation Komintern et Fonds français), dans le cadre de l’ANR CORPUS, vise à développer un programme de recherche permettant de mieux connaître le phénomène communiste dans ses dimensions française et internationale. Il est porté conjointement par la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme de Dijon et par les Archives nationales.
The recent attention for anarchist movements in the non-European world is very welcome, but it seems that this growing literature still need a complementary analysis of the attitudes of European anarchists towards the European colonies and the people who lived there.
CFP: Land reforms and peasant rebellions in world history, 18th-21st centuries, Session at the International Conference "Old and New Worlds: the Global Challenges of Rural History Lisbon" (27-30 January 2016)
Deadline: 15.04.2015
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