Summer Academy re:work in 2015: "Work in Post-Slavery Societies: Gender and Generations"

The international research centre IGK Work and Human Life Cycle in Global History (Humboldt-Universitdt zu Berlin) and the University Cheikh Anta Diop Dakar, Senegal will hold a Summer Academy entitled Work in Post-Slavery Societies: Gender and Generations. The event will take place from 26 January to 1 February 2015 in Dakar.

ITH-Newsletter and 50th Linz Conference

Dear colleagues,

this newsletter begins with the preliminary programme of the 50th Linz Conference “Work and Compulsion: Coerced Labour in Domestic, Service, Agricultural, Factory and Sex Work, ca. 1850-2000s” from 25-28 September 2014. The final conference programme will be published in August.

The registration form for the Linz Conference 2014 is attached to this newsletter. Registrations are to be submitted until 1 July 2014.

A Usable Collection, Essays in honour of Jaap Kloosterman on collecting social history

The International Institute of Social History has a time-honoured tradition of writing its own history, as might be expected from one of the world's leading centres of collecting social history. A Usable Collection, Essays in honour of Jaap Kloosterman on collecting social history (Amsterdam University Press, June 2014) fits into this tradition.

CFP: The Ethiopian Revolution at 40 - Interpreting Social Effects and Historical Meaning

September 2014 marks the fortieth anniversary of the overthrow of Ethiopia’s Imperial regime, a seminal event in the global history of revolutions. The anniversary offers an occasion to take stock of and interpret the social effects and meaning of the revolution. The assumption is that social dynamics set in motion by the revolution are still in function in today’s Ethiopia and may continue to generate novel social outcomes in the future.

Che, una Revista de la Nueva Izquierda (1960-1961)

Presentación del libro: Che, una Revista de la Nueva Izquierda (1960-1961)
de María Cristina Tortti (CeDInCI Editores, 2014)
Lunes 16 de junio a las 18 hs. en el aula 208 - Edificio B - FaHCE - UNLP

A principios de los años sesenta, como consecuencia del impacto de la Revolución Cubana y la persistencia de la identidad peronista de la clase obrera, la izquierda argentina vivió una etapa de intensos debates que terminarían afectando el prestigio y la unidad de sus dos partidos tradicionales: el socialista y el comunista.

IISH in Archives Portal Europe

Archival materials at the IISH are now accessible through Archives Portal Europe. The portal provides access to information on archival material from the inventories of hundreds of archival institutions in Europe. The user can search in 39,323,587 descriptive units linked to more than 141,000,000 digital objects from 397 institutions.

Journal de la BDIC

Journal de la BDIC
N°36 - Juin 2014

1. Sur tous les fronts…

2. Le mot des lecteurs : Découvertes au fil d’une recherche  » / actualités : Deux résistantes de l’ADIR au Panthéon

3. Chantier en cours  : une nouvelle bibliothèque numérique pour la BDIC / Humanités numériques et Première Guerre mondiale : le projet Cendari

4 et 5. dossier formation  : Du présentiel au virtuel, nouveaux enjeux de la formation

Matériaux pour l'histoire de notre temps

Revue Matériaux

N°111-112 Histoire, mémoire, justices. De l'Espagne à l'Amérique latine

sous la direction de Marie-Claude Chaput

Marie-Claude Chaput

“Récupération de la mémoire” et législation en Espagne. Chronique des controverses politiques et académiques
Eduardo González Calleja

Les liens étroits entre droit et mémoire historique : les cas de la loi d’amnistie et de la “loi sur la mémoire historique”
Géraldine Galeote

Vérité, justice, réparation : de l’usage en Espagne de principes internationaux
Sophie Baby