Labour History: Expanding the Frontiers

Call for Papers
VIIIth International Conference of Labour History
March 18-20, 2010
Delhi India

The Association of Indian Labour Historians (AILH) in collaboration with the V V Giri National Labour Institute( VVGNLI) is organizing the 8th International Conference to be held at Delhi on March 18-20, 2010.
We invite proposals for paper presentation at the conference from historians, social scientists, labour activists and organizations on the themes outlined below.

Labour History: Expanding the Frontiers

Jenseits von Sozialdemokratie und Kommunismus?

From: Bernd Huettner [mailto][/mailto]

CFP: Tagung "Jenseits von Sozialdemokratie und Kommunismus? Zur Problemgeschichte, Programmatik und Aktualität des Linkssozialismus" am 11. und 12. Dezember 2009 in Duisburg]

Einladung zur wissenschaftlich-politischen Tagung "Jenseits von Sozialdemokratie und Kommunismus? Zur Problemgeschichte, Programmatik und Aktualität des Linkssozialismus" am 11. und 12. Dezember 2009 in Duisburg (Alte Feuerwache)

Global South

The new issue of Global South is now up on the net. Just follow the link here:
[url][/url] and download your copy today. Do let us know your feedback. [Below] is the call for papers for our next special issue titled: History of medicine in the context of Global South. Contribute your articles on this interesting topic to make the special issue a success.


Call for contributions

The Moving Past

The Labour History Images Group is pleased to announce that

'The Moving Past'
A Presentation of Archival Work Films

is now available on DVD

'The Moving Past' is an anthology of archival film about work in Ontario made in the years following World War One. The films, produced by the Ontario Motion Picture Bureau, offers fascinatig glimpses into a rapidly industrializing province.

Taft Labor History Award

I am pleased to announce the beginning of the 33rd annual competition for the Philip Taft Labor History Award. The competition is open to any book (or books) published in 2009 relating to the history of American labor. The Award is offered by the ILR School at Cornell University, in cooperation with the Labor and Working-Class History Association (LAWCHA). I invite your nomination of any and every eligible book for consideration.

Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli

Newsletter n. 26 - 13 ottobre 2009
Le novità della Fondazione e del sito

Ruolo del sindacalismo e del movimento operaio nell'Italia liberale e la costruzione delle relazioni industriali

L'Archivio e gli scritti di Rinaldo Rigola

E' online l'inventario del Fondo Rigola: le carte che documentano la nascita e primi anni di attività della Confederazione generale italiana del lavoro.

After Makhno

New pamphlet: After Makhno (Hidden histories of Anarchism in the Ukraine) by Anatoly V. Dubovik and D.I. Rublyov

The Kate Sharpley Library are pleased to announce our new pamphlet containing two essays on Makhnovist opposition in the Ukraine after the triumph of Bolshevism.