
David Richardson, Anthony Tibbles, Suzanne Schwarz, eds. Liverpool and Transatlantic Slavery. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2007. xii + 315 pp. $75.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-1-84631-066-9.

Reviewed by Isaac Land
Published on H-Albion (November, 2008)
Commissioned by David S. Karr

Kunst im kommunistischen Europa, 1945-1989

Zu einer transnationalen Geschichte der Kunst im kommunistischen Europa, 1945-1989 - Berlin 02/09

Pour une histoire transnationale de l'art dans l'Europe communiste, 1945-1989

Jérôme Bazin, Université de Picardie; Pascal Dubourg Glatigny, Centre Marc Bloch-CNRS; Martin Schieder, Universität Leipzig; Béatrice von Hirschhausen, Centre Marc Bloch-CNRS 16.02.2009, Berlin
Deadline: 15.04.2009

Midwest Labor and Working Class History

CFP: Midwest Labor and Working Class History Colloquium Purdue University, April 3-4, 2009.

MLWHC is an annual graduate student conference for graduate students working in the field of labor and working class history. This year it will be held at Purdue University, April 3-4. The theme is "Beyond the Workplace: Working Class Culture, Leisure, and Community". We welcome all submissions from graduate students working in labor and working class history.

Labor and Working Class History Association

Labor and Working Class History Association Call for Panel Proposals
for 2010 Annual Conference Washington DC, April 7-10, 2010

The 2010 LAWCHA conference will be held concurrently with the OAH in Washington, DC. LAWCHA plans to arrange up to ten panels during the conference, which will be held April 7-10, 2010.

Please send Kim Phillips ([mailto][/mailto]) your proposals for panels related to labor and working class history as attachments or in the body of email messages. The proposals should include the following:

DDR Geschichte - GDR History

Behrens, Hermann; Hoffmann, Jens; Institut f. Umweltgeschichte u. Regionalentwicklung e.V (Hrsg.): Umweltschutz in der DDR. Analysen und Zeitzeugenberichte (= Band 1: Politische und umweltrechtliche Rahmenbedingungen; Band 2: Mediale und sektorale Aspekte; Band 3: Beruflicher, ehrenamtlicher und freiwilliger Umweltschutz). München:Oekom Verlag 2008. ISBN 978-3-86581-059-5; 1100 S.; EUR 54,80.