
Müller, Reinhard: Marienthal. Das Dorf - Die Arbeitslosen - Die Studie. Innsbruck u.a.: StudienVerlag 2008. ISBN 978-3-7065-4347-7; Hardcover; 423 S.; EUR 39,90.

Rezensiert für H-Soz-u-Kult von:
Jan Surman, Universität Wien
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Labour History

Labour HistoryA Journal of Labour and Social HistoryNumber 94 * May 2008


President's Column

Tribute to Eric Fry and Bob GollanEdited by Peter Love


Eric Fry (1921-2007)
Peter Love

Robin Gollan (1917-2007)Stuart Macinytre


With Thanks, Always: For Eric Fry and Bob Gollan Susan Magarey

R.A. Gollan, E.C. Fry and the Canberra years of the Australian Society for the Study of Labour History John Merritt

Class Matters

Working Class Studies Association Conference Pittsburgh, Pa. June 3-6,2009

The Working Class Studies Association (WCSA) is pleased to announce that its biennial conference will be held at the Universityof Pittsburgh, June 3-6, 2009.

Proposals are invited for presentations, panels, workshops, and performances, according to the guidelines below. Proposals must be received by January 4, 2009.

The Working Class Studies Association

Work and Makeshifts

Work and Makeshifts: Workshop, Vienna (November 27th-29th, 2008)

Deadline for abstracts July 3, 2008

This is the first in a series of workshops on the history of work organized by the research project "The Production of Work: Welfare, Labour-market, and the Disputed Boundaries of Labour (1880-1938)." Historians dealing with similar issues, regardless of period or place, as well as researchers in other disciplines (sociology, anthropology, economics, etc.) are expressly invited to collaborate in the workshops.