Two from the Turati

La Fondazione di Studi Storici "Filippo Turati" comunica:

Sono usciti per la collana Società e Cultura i volumi:

Dino Mengozzi
Garibaldi taumaturgo
Relique laiche e politica nell'Ottocento
Piero Lacaita Editore
Collana Società e Cultura
pp. 251
Euro 18,00

Workers' Struggles in the Arab World

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to submit abstracts on 'Workers' Struggles and Nationalist Movements in the Arab World, 1900-present' by 1 September 2008.

We are directing a workshop on this theme at the Tenth Mediterranean Research Meeting which will take place near Florence (Italy) on 25 -28 March 2009.

You will find the abstract below:

Modern Records Centre Catalogues

The Modern Records Centre at the University of Warwick has recently launched its catalogues via a new database on the internet. This now enables cross-searching of a large part of its collections and will bring many more sources for labour and social history to light. As well as a cross-search facility we have provided short cuts to the larger and more heavily used collections such as the Trades Union Congress and the recently completed archives of the Transport and General Workers Union.